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Senior Dance Fitness with Sundy (formerly Zumba Gold)
with Sundy Keichel

Course Description: Senior Dance Fitness is designed for the active older adult or beginner. A goal of the class is to move a little and have a lot of fun! A variety of rhythms are used for a low-impact cardio workout that will help improve balance, circulation, strength, and flexibility. All moves can be modified to suit your needs and abilities. No class January 16.
Notes: *No class on January 16, makeup class available on March 13. Wear comfortable shoes/clothing and bring water. Classes meet in the gymnasium at Fort Walton Beach Rec Center, 132 Jet Dr, FWB.
Class Leader Bio(s): Sundy Keichel has been teaching fitness classes since 2010. She currently teaches Senior Dance Fitness, Pilates, and Senior Conditioning in FWB.