Techniques for Sharing Your Genealogy
with Edward Pfeifer
Course Description: This class follows the content presented in the first “Starting to Connect Your Family History” course and the second “Beyond Beginning Genealogy” course. Digital techniques for scanning, recording, documenting and preserving content will be explored, demonstrated, and shared. New strategies for researching, DNA testing and artificial intelligence queries will be introduced.
Notes: Class participants should be prepared to participate in the research of their family’s history by using the skills and techniques taught in the class.
Class Leader Bio(s): Ed Pfeifer is a retired classroom teacher, school administrator, curriculum coordinator, and Deputy Chief of Education for the Department of Defense Dependents Schools in the Pacific Area. He has been researching his family for more than twenty years.
Jan 16 - Mar 6th, 2025
Thu for 8 weeks from 1:00 - 2:30 pm