Drones for Beginners
with Billy Walker
Course Description: If you have just purchased a drone, or are about to do so, this class is for you. Learn the different types of drones that are available and which one to buy for your needs. Learn how to fly a drone safely and stay within FAA regulations. The class will also provide tips on how to shoot video with a drone and edit it. Beginning classes will be conducted indoors with the Tello Drone. Students will be given the opportunity to fly more complex camera drones during outdoor class sessions. All drones will be provided for class use.
Class Leader Bio(s): Billy Walker has taught Video Processing and iPad classes at CLL for several years. He owns three drones and has been flying them for over five years. Walt Spodeck, an FAA licensed drone and commercial aircraft pilot will be the co-leader for this course. Walt owns 4 drones and has been flying them several years.
Jan 17 - Mar 7th, 2025
Fri for 8 weeks from 8:30 - 10:00 am